The mandatory Passenger Locator Form

July 28, 2020

Travelling is a complicated affair nowadays. Both before departure and when you return a number of obligations must be fulfilled. 



Before you leave you need to check two things:


1) Is travelling to my destination allowed?


This is easy to check on the homepage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

  • Destinations with code green are freely accessible. However, there may be certain conditions involved.

  • Destinations with code orange enforce strict conditions such as subjecting to a Covid-19 test or quarantine and demand increased vigilance.

  • Destinations with code red are closed to all non-essential travel.


2) Are there any formalities to take care of for your destination?


This information is also available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs but this time on the specific page with travel advice for your destination. 



On 1 August 2020 certain obligations will come into force for people returning to Belgium from abroad. These obligations apply to everyone regardless if you’re travelling by plane, car, train, bus or any other means of transport. View the diagram below.





The Passenger Locator Form


For whom?

The form must be filled in by anyone returning from a stay abroad in excess of 48 hours, regardless of the means of transport used. Travellers returning by boat or airplane must always complete the form, even if they spent less than 48 hours abroad.


For which countries?

The measure applies to all countries, in other words regardless of whether you’re travelling to a green, orange or red zone, or regardless of the label your destination has at the time of your return.


What information must be provided?

Amongst others travellers must indicate where they have been in the past 14 days. The information on the completed form is registered by the competent health services.


How are the checks carried out?

Completing the form will be required before checking in for your return flight. Checks are possible at every border crossing, possibly via spot checks. This means the form must be filled in on time and prior to your return. This will be possible at the earliest 48 hours prior to your return.


Practical info

Click here for the online form and further instructions. The online form works on the basis of a confirmation code received by text. If you don’t have a mobile handy then you can opt for a document that must be downloaded and printed.


Mandatory quarantine and Covid-19 tests


This is only mandatory if you are returning from a high-risk area such as determined by Foreign Affairs and marked by a red warning triangle or orange stethoscope. Tests and quarantines fall under the jurisdiction of the communities and regions. Go to for full details.